Friday, June 27, 2008

Stick Figures

Just a quick comment on this issue. While browsing the celeb gossip pages tonight.
I couldn’t help but notice the stick figures and their over sized heads.

These women are not attractive in their current state. They do not make me want to be them, or buy anything that they are “spokeswomen” for, “Get perfect skin with (brand name) and get a dash of bulimia for free”

The media tells us to be thin, with countless infomercials about the latest 100 in 1 exercise equipment and the miracle cures for fat in a single bottle and not to mention all the models on the runways. But I’m not going to tell you how manipulative the media is, you know that already.

These woman are not thin, they are emaciated, skeletal, and just damn right UGLY.

Why do these numskulls starve themselves to death?
Why do you want to look like a Stick Figure?

Kate Bosworth

Then / Now

Posted by bottonz on November 12th, 2006

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