Tuesday, July 8, 2008

In My Head

Some people read magazines on the loo, I think….

Shame poor Miss A is so tired, she has been sleeping non stop since the weekend…..was one hectic weekend…….damn I still want to puke just thinking of all that food, I should hav taken pics…..maybe all this sleep is her toofies… I hope it is…thank heavens my sister is a dental technologist maybe I can get some dentures for her for her first birthday party…crap still need to design the invite….( design invite in head ) …Holy mother of.. ….what is that smell, it is NOT me… I think the shower drain in blocked…..need to get to the shops as soon as I feel ok again… what in the world is up with my ear, don’t want to go to the GP, I like my gynaecologist more… I wonder if I can go to the gynaecologist for an ear infection……I feel like some chocolate, no make that hot chocolate with real chocolate num num……..really have to do something about the drain…how can I think about chocolate with this smell……I am faulty ….my one friend likes to say that about herself…I am going to steal that line, hope she doesn’t mind, so fitting….will get drain cleaner and chocolates……..I should have spanked the stripper harder on Saturday night, but I couldn’t feel my fingers….I think the stripper needs to go for some sunbed sessions, nothing sexy about a white ass...If I use some vanish mixed with jik maybe I will get my white T white again, I love that T..... that probably explains my ear infection, daaaammmmmnnnn this weather……I wonder if my bro and his new girlfriend is going to last....I like her, she is pretty……people will start to think that I drug Miss A, why is she sleeping so much, must be my child, I love my sleep….. I need sleep……let me go and design that invite already…….nooo wait let me go blog about my loo thoughts.......

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