Tuesday, August 19, 2008

One Thing

The one thing I hate about my Job

Ok, I won’t change my job for the world ok maybe I would, but not for another job as an employee, get what I am saying. But one thing that I hate about my job is that there is no recognition, no pat on the back. Sometimes it is really hard to stay positive without someone helping you along, There is no “brilliant job, well done here is an incentive/ raise/ promotion “. Husband and I have been through so much with this company we had loads more down than ups and we are heading for an up now but I can’t seem to get myself excited, maybe because I was one to many times disappointed. The downs were mostly because off people who would take us for a ride, use us for their gain, grab our brains and run, but we have learned so much from it and I know it won’t happen again, we know the signs, we know the bullshitters and chance takers., we can spot them a mile away. We try to keep each other motivated but it is so easy to bring each other down to. Sometimes I wish that we could just have it easy. We started from nothing absolutely nothing and we are going to get there, I am so sure of it.

But I need a pat on the back at the moment I need a well done on a brilliant job. I also need a raise……


Cherry creations said...

i give you a huge pat on the back babe!!! i think what you do is brilliant absolutly brilliant

Two Souls, One Voice said...

you deserve a pat on your back,welldone on what you both done till now,I can not give the raise but keep your chin up...cause you will succeed....you will get to the top....and wow no one got the talent you got :)